
A example seed for AngularJS and JSPM project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Angular JSPM Seed

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Build Status

Seed project using AngularJS 1.x, Babel and SystemJS, with preconfigured text and css plugins. Preconfigured unit tests with Karma / Jasmine and coverage report. Include SASS support, AngularJS annotations, and bundling using JSPM.

Get started

  1. git clone https://github.com/davinkevin/angularjs-jspm-seed.git
  2. npm start


  • npm run build generates prod ready source files in ./dist
  • npm run release --type "major|minor|patch" bumps version in package.json, updates CHANGELOG.md, git tag and push
  • npm run sass transpiles sass source files to css
  • npm run serve starts browser-sync and serves dev files
  • npm run serve-prod serves files in ./dist folder
  • npm run test-tdd starts karma and watch for changes to play tests
  • npm run test installs dependencies and executes unit tests


