
jOOQ support for PostgreSQL json & jsonb

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

jOOQ PostgreSQL JSON binding

Provides jOOQ support for PostgreSQL JSON functions and operators for json and jsonb fields.

Requires at least Java 8. Note: this project is currently only compatible with jOOQ version 3.12 and higher. For jOOQ version 3.11 you can use version 0.4.0 until you upgrade to 3.12 (or higher).

Include as a Maven dependency

First, add the following Maven dependency:


Warning: upgrading from 0.4.0 to 1.0.0 is a breaking change. jOOQ has been updated from 3.11 to 3.12, meaning the custom classes Json and Jsonb (and their bindings) have been removed, and replaced by the jOOQ JSON and JSONB classes respectively (which are automatically bound to json and jsonb PostgreSQL fields).

If you need jOOQ 3.11 support, please continue using version 0.4.0.

Version matrix

This shows only which jOOQ version is used in this library. Minor version differences should still be compatible and newer major versions of jOOQ might still work with older versions of this library if nothing changed much in the jOOQ JSON APIs.

Library version jOOQ version
1.2.1 3.14.3
1.2.0 3.14.0
1.1.2 3.13.4
1.1.1 3.13.2
1.1.0 3.13.1
1.0.0 3.12.3
0.4.0 3.11.11


Use the JsonDSL and JsonbDSL classes to access the JSON functions and operators.

For example, to extract a JSON nested property value as text from a json field:

/* Sample JSON:
  "data": {
    "productCode": "Z-5521"
String productCode = dsl.select(JsonDSL.extractPathText(MY_TABLE.DATA_FIELD, "data", "productCode"))

Or for example using the @> operator to update a row of which a jsonb field contains a certain id:

/* Sample JSON:
  "id": "1337",
  "name": "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
    .set(MY_TABLE.RATING, 100)
    .where(JsonbDSL.contains(MY_TABLE.DATA_FIELD, JsonbDSL.field("{\"id\": \"1337\"}")))

PostgreSQL json operator support

Reference: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/functions-json.html

Operators available for both json (through JsonDSL) and jsonb (through JsonbDSL):

Op Operand Description Method
-> int Get array element arrayElement()
-> text Get object field fieldByKey()
->> int Get array element as text arrayElementText()
->> text Get object field as text fieldByKeyText()
#> text[] Get object at path objectAtPath()
#>> text[] Get object at path as text objectAtPathText()

Operators available only for jsonb (through JsonbDSL):

Op Operand Description Method
@> jsonb Does contain value? contains()
<@ jsonb Are entries contained? containedIn()
? text Does the key exist? hasKey()
?| text[] Does any key exist? hasAnyKey()
?& text[] Do all keys exist? hasAllKeys()
|| jsonb Concatenate values concat()
- text Delete key or element delete()
- text[] Delete multiple keys or elements delete()
- int Delete array element deleteElement()
#- text[] Delete field for path deletePath()

Available PostgreSQL json processing functions

Reference: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/functions-json.html#FUNCTIONS-JSON-PROCESSING-TABLE

Processing functions available for both json (through JsonDSL) and jsonb (through JsonbDSL):

Function Return type Description Method
json(b)_array_length int Get length of JSON array arrayLength()
json(b)_extract_path json/jsonb Extract object at path (same as #>) extractPath()
json(b)_extract_path_text text Extract object at path as text (same as #>>) extractPathText()
json(b)_typeof text Get the type of a JSON field typeOf()
json(b)_strip_nulls json/jsonb Remove object fields with null values stripNulls()

Functions only available for json (through JsonbDSL):

Function Return type Description Method
jsonb_pretty text Pretty format JSON field pretty()
