
Primary LanguagePython

Welcome to jsondiffer

this app receives two JSON files base64 encoded in two different endpoints and allows comparison

author: davi diogo
email : davinod@gmail.com
github: https://github.com/davinod/jsondiffer
date  : 28/jan/2016


How to use:

1) git clone https://github.com/davinod/jsondiffer
2) chmod a+x ~/jsondiffer/jsondiffer/*.py
3) source ~/jsondiffer/venv/bin/activate
4) pip install flask
7) python ~/jsondiffer/jsondiffer/app.py 
8) Access the application via http://localhost:5000/v1/index
9) python ~/jsondiffer/jsondiffer/test_jsondiffer.py runs the unittest project

   Note: If you face errors, ensure the port number 5000 is availablee


Open Items (Issues/Enhancements):

- Eventually the status of the JSON left and right are not being updated - Proposed
- Needs to change the content type of the /diff output to JSON instead of Plain-Text - Proposed
- The implementation to check the offsets may need some more review and refactoring - Proposed
- May need to discuss the requirements regarding having sessions to allow multiple users to use the app simultaneously
  the way it is designed, in a shared environment where multiple users will access the app, the json left and right
  may be replaced by other users - Proposed
- Create dev/qa/prod environments in amazon to deploy jsondiffer - Proposed
- Create automate builds of jsondiffer on amazon - Proposed
- Create automate deployments of jsondiffer on amazon - Proposed
- Add twitterBootStrap3 - Proposed