
Factorio mod for turning multiple parallel lanes of belts

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Belt Turner

Turns belts automatically when pasting multiple belt lane blueprints.


  1. When routing multiple lanes of belts I always just blueprint a straight section of belt and drag that, but that doesn't play nicely with corners so I have to manually fix a corner and then copy/paste (and potentially flip!) that corner to all the other turns I did on the belt.
  2. Using this belt turner mod, I can just copy/paste the straight section of multiple belt lanes through corners and it gets automatically fixed.


  1. Force paste (shift click) belt blueprints on top of belts to change the direction of the belts at the corner. To turn N lanes of belts, copy a section of straight belts of size at least N+1 X N to paste. a. For example, if you are making 3 lanes of belts, you'll need to copy at least a 4 X 3 section of straight belts to use the belt turner functionality when pasting the blueprint. b. The pasted blueprint has to match up exactly on the corner in order to perform the turn. c. Supports belt lanes with different items by deconstructing the belts that need to be turned before the ghosts are placed.


  1. I can't actually change the belt paste preview to show the turned belts like in the thumbnail, but it does actually turn the belts after you paste :)


  1. test447 - code