F5 Office 365 Proxy Bypass - Dynamic Update


Use this code to run periodic URL update taken from Microsoft office 365 address-list and store it into F5 datagroup.


1. Open SSH session and login as admin user

2. Download office365-dynamic-update.sh by running this command:

cd /home/admin
curl -o office365-dynamic-update.sh -s  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ianwijaya/f5-office365-pb-dynamic-update/master/office365-dynamic-update-rest.sh

if for whatever reason you want to use the old XML list, use this URL instead "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ianwijaya/f5-office365-pb-dynamic-update/master/office365-dynamic-update.sh"

3. Create datagroup

echo "a" >> /tmp/office365-dg.txt
create ltm data-group external O365 type string source-path file:///tmp/office365-dg.txt

4. Create iCall script

create sys icall script Drafts/office365-script.txt
modify sys icall script Drafts/office365-script.txt definition {  exec /bin/bash /home/admin/office365-dynamic-update.sh }

5. Create iCall handler

create sys icall handler periodic Drafts/office365-handler script Drafts/office365-script.txt interval 3600 status active

3600 -> update will run every 1 hour.