
Everything you read here are fictitious as if we are role-playing as a real company.

Instructions for Visual Studio Code (Last Update: 30 Sep 2020)
Author: netops@f5wwfe.com (David Li and Marco Toornent)
Set your IDE to "JSON with Comments" at bottom of status bar. (Optional)
Use the latest declaration file from wwfe.gitlab.com (We maintain 'Golden Templates' for DevOps Team)
You may also run REST calls from your application code. (Not part of this DEMO)

Step 1: Use login.http with your given credentials from our Repo (If you forget your password, contact app_support@wwfe.com)
Step 2: Use declaration codes using httpService.http file in our Repo
Step 3: Remove comments before submitting using httpService.http
Step 3a: Replace authorization field with the token responded after login.http