
Mobile price classifier using KNN algorithm

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Mobile Price Prediction


Used dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/davisraimon/mobile-price-classification/data

Short description of the dataset:

Feature name Feature description Type
id ID Numeric
battery_power Total energy a battery can store in mAh Numeric
blue Has bluetooth or not Boolean
clock_speed Speed at which microprocessor executes instructions Numeric
dual_sim Has dual sim support or not Boolean
fc Front Camera mega pixels Numeric
four_g Has 4G or not Boolean
int_memory Internal Memory in Gigabytes Numeric
m_dep Mobile Depth in cm Numeric
mobile_wt Weight of mobile phone Numeric
n_cores Number of cores of processor Numeric
pc Primary Camera mega pixels Numeric
px_height Pixel Resolution Height Numeric
px_width Pixel Resolution Width Numeric
ram Random Access Memory in Megabytes Numeric
sc_h Screen Height of mobile in cm Numeric
sc_w Screen Width of mobile in cm Numeric
talk_time Longest time that battery will last by a call Numeric
three_g Has 3G or not Boolean
touch_screen Has touch screen or not Boolean
wifi Has wifi or not Numeric


Model name Accuracy
KNN classifier with 9 NN 92.8%