- 3
handleResize calls methods in wrong order
#62 opened by Grimmys - 8
Callback Question
#11 opened by bymayo - 3
where to change start: 0
#61 opened by adri9deu - 8
where to add the files and jquery line
#60 opened by adri9deu - 4
bower? npm?
#53 opened by rdpascua - 7
Dynamic Content
#31 opened by taskianna - 4
sticky inside bootstrap tabs not working
#59 opened by chandru1822 - 1
Sticky element overlapping scrollbar
#58 opened by lenchantin - 1
- 6
Support for iPad
#15 opened by davist11 - 6
Container variable height
#20 opened by got3nks - 0
part of content area is display none
#56 opened by jnasoy - 13
- 0
if parent div is of fixed size with scroll
#55 opened by waqas7803 - 6
- 0
Flicker on safari iOS
#54 opened by raistie - 1
Left and Right .stickem's
#51 opened by ctysklind - 3
Offset doesn't seem to have any effect
#37 opened by jeromecovington - 1
- 1
- 3
Not working with viewportUnits
#48 opened by renatodeleao - 2
Allow for sticking at the bottom too.
#47 opened by zoffixznet - 2
Sticky text disappearing when next container title gets class "stickit" with masonry.js
#46 opened by garretthaas - 2
Source Missing License Header
#43 opened by KelseyBlodgett - 1
Missing license
#42 opened by swese44 - 2
Bug when logged in to Wordpress
#41 opened by operapreneur - 1
trigger repositioning
#39 opened by crisk - 2
Google font messing with the sticky positioning at the bottom of the container
#35 opened by frazerfindlater - 7
item.$container.offset(...) is undefined
#27 opened by beneklisefski - 1
Random malfunction
#32 opened by chriscoderdr - 1
Way to add the js files.
#33 opened by rprsnt - 1
initial top offset after reinitialization
#29 opened by ffuubarbuzz - 2
Help with unstick and delete please! (URGENT)
#30 opened by malshoff - 0
Fix Bower Compatibility
#21 opened by matbrady - 14
jumping to end on start scrolling
#5 opened by etombi - 6
Bug with YouTube iframes in Chrome for Mac.
#16 opened by daghoidahl - 2
Images Issue
#17 opened by casimirlancaster - 4
- 15
Make it work with infinite scroll
#12 opened by vaibhavmav - 2
Browser window height / element height issue
#9 opened by rogden - 1
IE7 support?
#8 opened by soulreverie - 1
Window Height when sticky
#2 opened by davist11 - 2
Scrolling past a block, then resizing window disables block when scrolling past it again
#1 opened by ten1seven