
Image to run test suites against ownCloud

jnweiger: Testing

This repo has some testing stuff.


Do we have proper markdown?
  • in github
  • with all features?
  • and can it do folding?

Yeah, and if you want to see

more, then click the little triangle at the left hand side...
  • you made it,
  • congratulations
The effect folding should be to hide details contents. But here, it does not work:
  • The bullet list is always visible.
  • You can click on the triangle, it does not matter which way it points.
  • That is bad.

Today's special: trigger stuff at cloud.drone.io

Build Status

Put this in your .drone.yml as a starting point:

kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: arm64
  os: linux
  arch: arm64
  - name: test
    image: debian:latest
      - echo "Hello World. This is .drone.yml"
      - uname -m
      - cat /etc/hosts
      - env


Distribute under GPLv2 or ask.


Copyright (c) 2019 Jürgen Weigert <jnweiger@gmail.com>