
Example code on how to run a Django app in a docker container and debug it with VSCode python debugger.

Primary LanguagePython

Debugging Django (Python) Dockerized applications

Example code on how to run a Django app in a docker container and debug it with VSCode python debugger.

Full explanation at https://medium.com/@davivc/debugging-django-python-dockerized-applications-ff8ba843e6dd

A. Running the application the first time

These commands will build, migrate and start the example Django application

1. Build the application

docker-compose build

2. Start the application

docker-compose up

3. Migrate the database

In a new terminal run

docker-compose exec example python manage.py migrate --noinput

4. Access the application

Go to http://localhost:8000/

Django start screen

B. Debugging the application

To debug the application just run the service on debug mode (stop the service started previously to avoid port conflict).

docker-compose up example-debug

Attach the Vscode Python Debugger defined on launch.json.

Python Debbuger

Add some breakpoints and start debugging.

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