
This is a nodejs project which its main challenge is to send randomly 8 to 12 invoices to random people every 3 hours during 24 hours. Moreover, it should transfer an amount to starkbank when receiving a webhook callback of the Invoice credit.

Run locally:

  • create a .env file and set the following environment variables:

    • ENVIRONMENT="sandbox"
    • PROJECT_ID: The ID of the project created
    • PRIVATE_KEY: your private key
    • PORT: optional, the port to run your application, by default is 8080
    • ACCOUNT_NUMBER: Starkbank account number
    • BRANCH_CODE: Starkbank branch code
    • BANK_CODE: Starkbank bank code
    • TAX_ID: Starkbank taxi id
  • run:

npm start

After that your application will be running locally on port 8080

Unit tests:

There are unit tests that can be tested with the command line:

npm run test

Two endpoints:

There are two endpoints avaiable:

  • POST - /invoice/cronjob: endpoint to set a cron job to send invoices to random people, it can receives the schedule time and the time of the limit of the cron job.

  • POST - /invoice/send: endpoint to send invoices to random people.

  • POST - /invoice/receive: process a webhook event of subscription invoice only

Continuos Deployment:

There is only one branch (main) and when a commit is pushed to github it triggers the deployment of the application on google cloud platform.

Once the application is deployed a cron job to send invoices is already created.

Structure of the code:

  • configs: It is responsible to setup all the connections and integrations needed for the application.

  • controllers: Responsible to receive the req and send the response of a request to any endpoint.

  • services: Responsible to do all the logic of the endpoint.

  • repositories: Responsible for all the connections with the database or the starkbank connection.

  • routes: The routes for all the endpoints.

  • tests: Contains all the tests.