
This is the server of polyevents app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Polyevents Server

JavaScript Nodejs AWS PostgreSQL

Table of Contents


So, you want to use your 6th sense to make some cash real fast? Great! You are in the right place. Just follow these steps and you'll be all set!

You can Check the landing page here


  • Clone the git repository using the below code snippet:
git clone https://github.com/Polyevents/server
  • Change your current working directory to the project folder:
cd server
  • In the root of the project, make a new file .env to store the environment variables:
touch .env
vi .env

PORT= 8080
DB_HOST= Your db host
DB_USERNAME= Your db username
DB_PASSWORD= Your Db Password
JWT_SECRET= Any random string
NEWS_API_KEY= Get it from https://newsapi.org/
  • Install the required dependencies and start the server in dev mode:
npm i && npm run dev

Note: You must have NodeJs, npm, mongodb, postgreSQL installed in your system in order to run the project properly

Contributions are Welcome ❤️