Sega-CD-Snatcher-Language-Patcher ############## # INTRO # ############## This is a CakePHP project to modify the texts from the great videogame Snatcher from Hideo Kojima for Sega/Mega CD. You can read about this work in EOL post: ################ # CONTENT # ################ - Console/spatcher.php: Script to patch sega cd ISO - Controller/Component/BinaryComponent.php: Component class from CakePHP to generate translated binary files with the data from a file game. - Controller/Component/QuicksaveComponent.php: Component class from CakePHP to patch quicksaves from Kega Fusion and include translated binary files. Usefull if you want to try a binary file from a Game directly without patch the ISO and use a save game. ################ # REQUIREMENTS # ################ - CakePHP 2.4.8 or later - jQuery 1.10 or later - PHP 5.2 or later - Web Server and MySQL database ########### # INSTALL # ########### - Download CakePHP ( and create a new project with cake bake script (I will call "app" here). - Copy the folders from this project and paste into the new project. - Use the sql file from Config/Schema/snatcher.sql to create database schema in MySQL. - Copy data from Config/readme to the end of your core CakePHP file in app/Config/core.php (and change "esp" and "es" to your new language for translation). - Copy app in your localhost directory from your web server and set user, groups and necesary permissions (app/tmp and app/File needs write permissions). - To access web, first time you need create an user administrator: - Open Controller/UsersController.php with any text editor - Uncomment the line 26: $this->Auth->allowedActions = array('admin_index', 'admin_add', 'admin_changePassword'); - Go to http://localhost/app/admin/users/ - Click at "New User" and create a new user with the role "Admin" selected. - Comment the line 26 from Controller/UsersController.php file. - Go to http://localhost/app/ and sign in. ############# # PATCH ISO # ############# There is a spatcher.php CLI script in app/Console path for patch your ISO. Only needs specify the path from Snatcher Sega CD ISO and a folder where you stored the new binary files. ############### # DESCRIPTION # ############### Binary->wirteFile returns the new filesize. There is a limit for this files: 55296 bytes Instrucctions for use: 1) For use add to your Controller from CakePHP: public $components = array('Binary'); 2) Add in your method: $filesize = $this->Binary->writeFile( $path_ori_files . $filename, $path_new_files . $filename, $data); $path_ori_files is the path where store original files from Sega CD Snatcher (f.e /app/Files/snatcher/) $path_new_files is the patch where you can store new files pathed. $filename is the name to patch (f. e. SP06.BIN) $data is a array with this structure: - characher_id: identify the character id necesary for patch offset for each character from the Game. You can find her names in SUBCODE.BIN - position: It is the integer position from 0x3800, then first text in binary files has the integer position 0 (each word is one position) - new_text: It is the translation text. It is important data array has all translations in order acording binary file you want patch. - nchars: The number of characters from old original texts. I use it for avoid calculate the length in the "foreach" original texts loop. An example: array( (int) 0 => array( 'character_id' => '1', 'position' => '0', 'new_text' => 'CONTINUAR', 'nchars' => '13' ), (int) 1 => array( 'character_id' => '1', 'position' => '14', 'new_text' => 'TERMINAR', 'nchars' => '6' ), (int) 2 => array( 'character_id' => '3', 'position' => '21', 'new_text' => '¡Oh no! ¡No hay suficiente <8>memoria<11> para guardar m¡s datos! Tendrás que <8>sobrescribir<11> los datos existentes para guardar.', 'nchars' => '143' ), ... (int) n => array( 'character_id' => '3', 'position' => '165', 'new_text' => '¡Guardado!', 'nchars' => '15', ) 3) You must convert special chars of the game into a <{number}> wildcard. The special chars are converted with array special_chars_orig: /** * WARNING!!! NO CHANGE THE ORDER OF special_chars * */ $this->special_chars_orig = array( $this->new_line, pack("H*" , "ec"), $this->new_page, // <0>, <1>, <2> pack("H*" , "ee"), pack("H*" , "f0"), pack("H*" , "fe"), // <3>, <4>, <5> pack("H*" , "f4"), pack("H*" , "fa"), pack("H*", "fb"), // <6>, <7>, <8> pack("H*", "fc"), pack("H*" , "fd"), pack("H*" , "f9"), // <9>, <10>, <11> pack("H*" , "f7"), pack("H*" , "f8") // <12>, <13> ); When the script tranlates your new texts, it replaces the wildcard <{number}> with his special char defined in special_chars_orig. ########## # Thanks # ########## - Joxer for create and manage the translate project for Snatcher from EOL. - Mairtrus for his technical knowledge and helpful with romhacking and for explain me how to modify the binary files and iso. - m4x1m0, jam007, Tolvatar, djnox, Manveru Ainu, livekraft, tonycc, Drasglaf, randam_hajile for their helpful translating the texts and review. ########### # License # ########### The source code for the web project is licensed under the GPL version 3 or later (see LICENSE).