
My dotfiles!

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to my dotfiles!

I am always trying new stuff, so not everything in this readme may be up-to-date.

Neovim - Startup nvim

Neovim - Editing a file nvim

Note: for a specific configuration select the specific branch

General contents:

  • .zshrc: ZSH configuration file (using Oh My Zsh)
  • .vimrc: VIM configuration file (requires Vundle)
  • .p10k.zsh: Powerlevel10k (ZSH theme) settings file
  • nvim folder: Neovim configuration files (using Lua)


  • C compiler (gcc)
  • Oh My Zsh
  • Powerlevel10k
  • Neovim (>=0.9.0)
    • Install via package manager (recommended for mac, via homebrew)
    • For Ubuntu, since the neovim version found in the apt repository is older, I compile Neovim from source
  • fd (brew/sudo apt-get install fd-find)
  • fzf (brew/sudo apt-get install fzf)
  • pngpaste


  • MesloNGS LF fonts (see this)
  • Neofetch (via package manager)
  • htop
  • pomo


Plugins - Neovim

mkdir "$HOME"/.virtualenvs
cd "$HOME"/.virtualenvs
python -m venv debugpy
debugpy/bin/python -m pip install debugpy
  • clipboard-image.nvim - paste images from the clipboard to the current file (as snippet); used for Markdown
    • Using fork since original repo has a bug for Apple Silicon Macs.
  • And many more!...

For a complete list of plugins, refer to the plugins folder.

Key bindings

Here are my custom keybindings!

Leader key: <space>

  • ,: fold code
  • Split view:
    • <leader>v: split vertically
    • <leader>s: split horizontally
    • <leader>h: focus left split
    • <leader>l: focus right split
    • <leader>j: focus bottom split
    • <leader>k: focus top split
  • Tabs:
    • H: move to "left" tab
    • L: move to "right" tab
      • Note: left/right depends on the order according to which the tabs were opened (it takes some getting used to...)
  • Move selected lines (visual mode):
    • J: move selected lines down
    • K: move selected lines up
  • Misc:
    • <leader>p: paste without losing yanked text
  • LSP:
    • gd: go to definition (Use Ctrl o to get back)
    • gr: go to references (in split)
    • K: hover (show function definition)
    • <leader>ca: show code actions
    • <leader>vws: view workspace symbol
    • <leader>rn: rename symbol under cursor (refactor buffers)
  • Autcompletion:
    • Use tab and shift tab to cycle through suggestion
    • Press enter to autocomplete witn selection
    • Ctrl <space>: toggle completion menu (on & off)
  • Fugitive (git utility):
    • <leader>gs: show git status (exit with :q)
    • <leader>gps: git pull
    • <leader>gpu: git push
  • Nvim-tree (file tree):
    • <leader>o: toggle (on/off) tree
  • Telescope (fuzzy finder):
    • <leader>ff: find files
    • <leader>fg: find git files
    • <leader>fs: find strings (file content - Live Grep)
    • <leader>fb: finding in the currently open buffers
  • Harpoon:
    • <leader>a: add file to Harpoon
    • Ctrl e: toggle quick menu
    • Ctrl h: navigate to file '1'
    • Ctrl t: navigate to file '2'
    • Ctrl n: navigate to file '3'
    • Ctrl s: navigate to file '4'
  • Undotree:
    • <leader>u: toggle undotree (on/off)
  • Null-ls/None-ls:
    • <leader>ft: format current buffer (need to ensure formatter is installed)
  • Dap (debugger):
    • <leader>dt: toggle UI
    • <leader>dB: set breakpoint
    • <leader>db: toggle breakpoint
    • <leader>dc: continue (go to next breakpoint) or start debugging
    • <leader>di: step into
    • <leader>dj: down
    • <leader>dk: up
    • <leader>dl: run last
    • <leader>do: step out
    • <leader>dO: step over
    • <leader>dp: pause
    • <leader>dT: terminate
    • <leader>dr: reset UI
  • Markdown Preview:
    • <leader>mp: toggle MarkdownPreview window
  • Clipboard Image (paste images in editor - Markdown):
    • <leader>ip: paste image from clipboard (it will prompt to insert the image name in the folder ./img/)
  • LaTeX (VimTeX):
    • Local Leader: "\"
    • \ll: start compilation process
    • \lk: stop compilation
    • \lc: clear auxiliary files
    • \lt: show table of contents
    • \lv: open pdf (without compiling) - won't work if no pdf was generated
    • \le: toggle the log window (with compiler errors/warnings)
  • Trouble (diagnostics):
    • <leader>xx: toggle trouble window
    • <leader>xw: toggle trouble window for current workspace
    • <leader>xd: toggle trouble window for current document
    • <leader>xq: toggle trouble quick fix
    • <leader>xl: toggle trouble for items in the location list