
Battle simulator!

Primary LanguageRuby

Makers Academy - Week 3 Pair Programming Project

Battle ⚔️

Outline | Task | Installation Instructions | Functional Description | User Stories | Objects & Methods | Testing | Further improvements


Write a 'Battle' simulator using a basic project structure with Sinatra, RSpec, and Capybara. The program should allow suer to input player names, attack each other and reduce hit points. The game should annouce a loser if their hit points reach 0.

This challenge is the third pair programming challenge at Makers Academy.

  1. Fork this repository, clone to your local machine then change into the directory:
$ git clone git@github.com:davmcgregor/Battle.git
$ cd Battle
  1. Load dependencies with bundle:
$ gem install bundle
$ bundle
  1. Run Rspec for tests and coverage, then rubocop for linting
$ rspec
$ rubocop
  1. Run the app on a local server and play on the broswer: http://localhost:4567/
$ ruby app.rb -p 4567

The system's functionality includes:

  • Two players can fill and submit a form to display their names.
  • A player can click attack to reduce hit points from another player if it is their turn.
  • A player can click OK after their attack to switch turns.
  • A loser will be announced if their hit points reach 0.
As two Players,
So we can play a personalised game of Battle,
We want to Start a fight by entering our Names and seeing them
As Player 1,
So I can see how close I am to winning
I want to see Player 2's Hit Points
As Player 1,
So I can win a game of Battle,
I want to attack Player 2, and I want to get a confirmation
As Player 1,
So I can start to win a game of Battle,
I want my attack to reduce Player 2's HP by 10
As two Players,
So we can continue our game of Battle,
We want to switch turns
As Player 1,
So I can see how close I am to losing,
I want to see my own hit points
As Player 1,
So I can lose a game of Battle,
I want Player 2 to attack me, and I want to get a confirmation
As Player 1,
So I can start to lose a game of Battle,
I want Player 2's attack to reduce my HP by 10
As a Player,
So I can Lose a game of Battle,
I want to see a 'Lose' message if I reach 0HP first

For the user stories I created a domain model for each object, including attributes and behaviour:


Methods Description
initialize(player) Creates a new instance of Attack and sets a player instance variable
.self.run(player) Instance method applies 'run' on player argument
run Applies 'receive_damage' to player variable


Methods Description
self.create(player_1, player_2) Class method that creates a game with two players
.self.instance Class method that returns the game class instance variable
initialize(player_1, player_2) Sets two instance variables: players array and current turn
player_1 Returns the first player in the players array
player_2 Returns the last player in the players array
opponent_of(player) changes the current turn variable using the players_who_are_not(player) method
game_over? returns players using the losing_players method
loser returns the first losing_player
losing_players private method that selects any player with 0 hit points
players_who_are_not(the_player) returns player that is not the player passed in as an argument


Methods Description
initialize(name, hit_points = DEFAULT_HIT_POINTS) Sets instance vaiables name and hit points at a default of 100
receive_damage Reduces the hit points variable by 10

Tests were written with RSpec and Capybara. To run the tests in terminal:

$> cd Battle
$> rspec

Test and implement these Extension Stories:

As a Player,
So I can play a suspenseful game of Battle,
I want all Attacks to deal a random amount of damage
As a lonely Player,
So I can keep my Battle skills up to scratch
I want to play a Computerised opponent
As a Player,
So I can enjoy a game of Battle with more variety,
I want to choose from a range of attacks I could make
As a Player,
So I can better enjoy a game of Battle,
I want some of my attacks to Paralyse an opponent (chance of losing their next attack)
As a Player,
So I can better enjoy a game of Battle,
I want one of my attacks to have a chance of Poisoning my Opponent (Opponent takes a small random amount of damage at the beginning of their turn)
As a Player,
So I can better enjoy a game of Battle,
I want to make an attack that has a chance of sending my Opponent to Sleep (Opponent definitely misses next turn)
As a Player,
So I can extend my joyous experience of Battle,
I want to have an attack that heals some of my Hit Points
As a Player,
So I can enjoy my game of Battle,
I want a sexy user interface