Sam Folorunsho


Skills | Dev Projects | Education | Experience | Other Interests

A strong interest in technology for as long as I can remember, I've found my journey into the world of code to be a major catalyst for growth on all sides. Creatively, technically, intellectually and even socially, every moment I spend learning and applying new knowledge has me looking forward to the next one. Today, I'm a full stack developer specialising in front end.

From teaching myself several pieces of audio production software in my early teens (skills which have taken me on adventures all over the world), to the plethora of visual design suites I regularly use to add a sheen to any and all projects I'm involved in, technical creativity has always been my prime focus – but realising that all the programs I've had the privilege to learn up to this point couldn't exist without a team of software developers presented a frontier I've never wanted to take on more.

Mastering the tools used to make the tools which empower creators to be creative; the opportunity to work on ideas that spark ideas; to help business owners with eyes in the sky achieve once-insurmountable tasks and to simplify life for all are just a few things which keep me driven on a daily basis. I'm looking forward to bringing that same drive, my creative confidence and all my best ideas to a team that feels the same way.

Dev Projects

Project Info

Build Status Maintainability Test Coverage


A cellular automata simulation, keeping track of two clusters of cells and stylised as a game of capture the flag (group project)

Timeframe: 10 days


JavaScript, NodeJS, ReactJS, Jest, Enzyme

CI/CD, Coverage, Quality

ESLint, Code Climate, Travis CI, Heroku, Jest coverage

Build Status Maintainability Test Coverage


A fullstack social media clone, demonstrating the majority of the core functionality of Instagram

Timeframe: 2 days


Ruby on Rails, ActiveRecord, RSpec, Capybara, ActiveStorage

CI/CD, Coverage, Quality

Code Climate, Travis CI, Rubocop, Simplecov

Build Status Maintainability Test Coverage


A personal project: front-end application where users can choose to play uniquely generated games of sudoku at one of four levels of difficulty

Timeframe: 3 days


JavaScript, NodeJS, ReactJS (Hooks), Jest, Enzyme

CI/CD, Coverage, Quality

Code Climate, Travis CI, Jest coverage



Over the years I've developed a strong habit of finding my own answers for any questions I may have on the road to learning a new skill. Any skill. One thing I love about the world of software is I'm often surrounded with people who share this sentiment. The internet has all the answers – the skill lies in knowing the right questions to ask, breaking down the problem or idea to its first principles and building a picture of the solution from the view between the cracks. My favourite game.

I enjoy taking regular online courses, exploring documentation and experimenting with new technologies; I've spent hundreds of hours with React.js, Redux, Firebase and more recently Native development alongside the course, skills which I've used effectively across a number of solo and collaborative projects.

Intensely Focused

I'm able to focus on a task for a very long period of time; it's not uncommon for me to spend upwards of 13 hours a day working toward a goal. The bigger picture is always at the back of my mind and it keeps me facing North, even if I have to take a few steps to the left first. Any logical step forward is enough motivation to take the next one, and there's no better way to gain experience than finishing strong.


I love details and syntax. Learning elegant ways to achieve complex logic – and sometimes doing it the long way as proof of concept – makes programming a joy. Excellent design is meant to go unnoticed; the ineffable feeling that comes with implementing sleek and intuitive concepts, the kind that humanizes an idea and traces the contours of user expectation, is worth the effort every time.


I take immense pride in giving my all to any project I work on. I love being surrounded with people who push me to be greatest version of myself and have a deep respect for those who have spent time honing their craft. Every contribution to an idea is an opportunity for growth, so even when my contribution to a project is a small one, I need to make sure it stands out.

An Ability to Visualize Anything

I'm a pro-actively visual learner with tonnes of experience working with brand-new problems and a penchant for lateral thinking. Once I understand the fundamentals of a concept, I have an easier time getting to grips with its nuance. That being said, I know better than to underestimate the complexity of any given task and give each new concept the time and attention it needs. If anything is worth knowing, it's worth knowing well.


Makers Academy (October 2019 – January 2020)

16-week intensive bootcamp
Object-Oriented Programming
Test Driven Development
Ruby, RSpec, Rails, JavaScript, Node.js, React

University of Liverpool (September 2012 - June 2015)

BA Architecture

Christ The King Sixth Form College (September 2010 - June 2012)

Maths(A*), Graphic Design(A), English Lit + Lang(A/B), Business(B), Critical Thinking(AS-level)


Universal Music Group (2015 - 2019)


I spent 5 years touring the UK and Europe, managed to secure a supporting opportunity to perform at the O2 Arena in London as well as fourteen other Arenas across the UK, secured spots at Glastonbury (2017, 2019), shows in New York and short stints in Los Angeles.

Such a high-pressure environment taught me the value of teamwork, the virtue of striving for excellence in the face of tense competition, the delicate balance of qualities necessary to serve as an effective leader of a small team and the importance of fostering authentic relationships. It also did wonders for my confidence.

Other Interests


I have a self-produced, series-based podcast called THE ART OF DFFRNCE – an opportunity to both utilise my experience in audio production and assuage my fascination with creativity as a concept. I've completed one season and will be picking up with a new one early 2020; as a theme I feel inspired to draw parallels between the worlds of technophilia and audiophilia – so far I've found several!

Love doing a few Codewars katas, too: