Commerce Product Listing 🍺

Technologies: React, HTML, CSS

Task | Setup | Acceptance Criteria | Wire Reference | Further improvements

Screen Shot 2021-07-09 at 12 13 12 pm

We have a simple products JSON array. We would like you to read the array and display it in an organized way. Included is the data file and images, also find a file with a rough wireframe of how the end product should look.

First, clone this repository. Then:

> npm install # Get dependencies
> npm start # Build and serve the application on `localhost:3000`

To run tests:

> npm test # Run the tests


  • Build with MV* framework
  • Read data from JSON
  • Responsive Layout
  • Display product image, name and price.
  • Build dropdown filters for product type
  • Hide and show data depending on the dropdown filters • Show an indicator on the product if it is on sale.
  • Simple open text filter (search).

Don't forget:

  • The page should be responsive and that it displays elegantly on mobile through to desktop.
  • Create a GitHub or Bitbucket repository and commit your work to this repository.
  • Please refrain from committing all your code in one go as we would like to see a logical commit pattern as you create your solution, and your GIT comment practices.
  • Please surround your code with a few basic unit tests, the tests don’t need to be super granular but do write tests for all logical functionalities.
  • Include a Readme of how to use your repository.


If I was writing this code for production I'd take the following further actions:

  • Obtain pixel accurate wireframes from the UX team, especially for responsive views;
  • Write a flex-fallback into the CSS to ensure maximum browser support;
  • Seek further guidance from the project owner/manager about the filter functionality e.g. should filtered results be searchable? Should search results be filterable?
  • Make further design decisions based on how to fetch products from an external API e.g. factoring in async calls and the size of responses;
  • Write more tests to improve coverage.