
User Stories


As a user,
When I visit the app,
I want to be presented with a random workout
As a user,
To see alternative workouts,
I want to be able to press a 'random button'
As a user,
To randomise my experience,
I want to calculate random rounds, and exercise amounts
As a user,
To start a workout,
I want to be able to press a start to begin
As a user,
To know my progress within a segment,
I want to constantly see a countdown for my workout/rest
As a user,
To prepare for my exercises,
I want to know which ones require a dumbell and which are bodyweight
As a user,
To prepare for my exercises,
I want to know what exercise is coming up next during my rest periods
As a user,
To finish a workout correctly,
I don't need a rest on the final exercise
As a user,
To take a break,
I want to be able to press the spacebar to pause during a workout
As a user,
To have control over a session,
I want to be able to press skip during a workout/break to jump forward 10 seconds (with the 10 symbol?) (or to the next 3 second beeper countdown)
As a user,
To know when a segment is starting/finishing,
I want to hear a 3 second beeper countdown
As a user,
To engage better with the app,
I want it to be styled nicely with green/orange start/wait colours

Further Improvements

As a user,
On completing a workout,
I want to see a celebratory sceen on finishing a workout
As a user,
To get a complete view of my workout,
I want to see the progress bar and the names of all exercises in a round
As a user,
To use the app on my phone,
I want it to be mobile friendly
As a user,
To keep up motivation,
I want to see a 'last round' alert on final rounds and the last exercise
As a user,
To keep me motivated during rest breaks,
I want to see random motivational quotes and messages
As a user,
To keep challenging myself,
I want to be able to build custom workouts