Makers Academy - Week 2 Pair Programming Project

Oyster card

| Task | Installation Instructions | Feature Tests | User Stories | Objects & Methods | Testing | Further improvements


Replicate the London metro Oyster Card system based on the below user stories. Build on the Object Oriented Programming principles used in week 1 to improve knowledge of Ruby and TDD.

This challenge is the second pair programming challenge at Makers Academy

  1. Fork this repository, clone to your local machine then change into the directory:
$ git clone
$ cd oystercard
  1. Load dependencies with bundle:
$ gem install bundle
$ bundle
  1. Run the app in the terminal:
$ irb
> require './lib/oystercard_challenge.rb'
> card =
> card
 => #<Oystercard:0x00007fac7618a7c0 @balance=0, @journey_log=#<JourneyLog:0x00007fac7618a748 @in_journey=false, @journey_log=[], @journey_class=Journey>> 

Oystercards can be made an a new instance of the Oystercard class.

> entry_station ="Angel", 1)
> exit_station ="Aldgate East", 1)
> card.touch_in(entry_station)
RuntimeError (Balance not high enough for journey)

Oyster cards need a minimum balance in order to make a journey.

=> 50 

To put money on an Oyster card use top_up and pass in a desired amount as an argument.

> card.touch_out(exit_station)
=> 49 

Journeys will deduct fares from an Oyster card balance

> card.top_up(50)
RuntimeError (Maximum balance of 90 exceeded)

Topping up past the maximum balance will raise an error

In order to use public transport
As a customer
I want money on my card
In order to keep using public transport
As a customer
I want to add money to my card
In order to protect my money
As a customer
I don't want to put too much money on my card
In order to pay for my journey
As a customer
I need my fare deducted from my card
In order to get through the barriers
As a customer
I need to touch in and out
In order to pay for my journey
As a customer
I need to have the minimum amount for a single journey
In order to pay for my journey
As a customer
I need to pay for my journey when it's complete
In order to pay for my journey
As a customer
I need to know where I've travelled from
In order to know where I have been
As a customer
I want to see to all my previous trips
In order to know how far I have travelled
As a customer
I want to know what zone a station is in
In order to be charged correctly
As a customer
I need a penalty charge deducted if I fail to touch in or out
In order to be charged the correct amount
As a customer
I need to have the correct fare calculated


Methods Description Creates a new instance of Oyster Card
.top_up(amount) Allows the user to top up their balance by a given amount
.touch_in(station) Creates a new instance of journey and stores the station as an attribute of journey within the journey log
.touch_out(station) Adds the finish station attribute to the current instance of journey and deduces the fare
.journey_history Displays a copy of the journey log


Methods Description Creates a new instance of Journey Log
.in_journey? Returns true if the last instance of journey in the journey log has a start station and no finish station
.start(station) Called by the 'touch_in' method on the OysterCard class. It initializes an instance of Journey and passes the station argument to it. It also sets in_journey to true.
.finish(station) Called by the 'touch_out' method on the OysterCard class. It passes the station to the last journey instance in the journey log. Also switches in_journey to false
.journeys Creates a copy of the current Journey Log and outputs it to the user


Methods Description
.start(station) Sets the station as the @entry_station attribute of the journey instance & sets in_journey to true.
.finish(station) Sets the station as the @exit_station attribute of the journey instance & sets in_journey to false.
.fare Calulates the fare based on the minimum fare, zones traveled, and if a penalty has been issued for a previous journey

Tests were written with RSpec. To run the tests in terminal:

$> cd oystercard
$> rspec
  • Write more feature tests
  • Refactor RSpec test
  • Update README