
Prototype compilter/transpiler from WebAssembly to Rust code

Primary LanguageRust


Like wasm2c, but safer

Translates WebAssembly binary modules (.wasm) into a Rust source code file (.rs).

The compiler is currently provided as a library meant for use in build scripts (build.rs), allowing a Rust project to use the generated source code.


First, add wasm2rs as a built dependency:

wasm2rs = { path = "/path/to/wasm2rs/crates/compiler/" } # Currently not available on crates.io

Next, add code to invoke wasm2rs in your build script:

// In build.rs
let out_dir = std::env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let wasm: &[u8] = /* read a WASM file from somewhere */;
let output_path = std::path::Path::join(out_dir.as_ref(), "my_file.rs");
let mut output = std::fs::File::create(output_path).unwrap();

// You can set compilation settings here
wasm2rs::Translation::new().compile_from_buffer(&wasm, &mut output).expect("compilation failed");

To use the generated code, add an include statement somewhere in your code:

include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/my_file.rs"));