
Python-based SDR receiver, controlled entirely over the web. All processing performed server-side, for minimum bandwidth impact.

Primary LanguagePython

Python-based SDR receiver, controlled entirely over the web. All processing performed server-side, for minimum bandwidth impact.


rtlweb is written on top of Python 3.x, and was intended for use under a Linux system.

  • Linux
  • rx_tools (https://github.com/rxseger/rx_tools)
  • redsea
  • ffmpeg (requires HLS & libaac support)
  • msgpack (pip3 install msgpack)
  • flask (pip3 install flask)
  • flask_socketio (pip3 install flask_socketio)
  • flask_htmlmin (pip3 install flask_htmlmin)
  • flask_htmlmin (pip3 install flask_htmlmin)

Quick Start

A simple guide to get up and running. Assumes an Ubuntu/Debian-like environment.

  • Run this to install the Python modules. pip3 install msgpack flask flask_socketio flask_htmlmin eventlet

  • Compile and install rx-tools

sudo apt install libsoapysdr-dev

Grab rx_tools' latest source.

git clone https://github.com/rxseger/rx_tools.git
cd rx_tools
cmake .

Install it. It may require root to run this command.

make install
  • Compile and install red-sea
# Install dependencies for redsea
sudo apt install git build-essential autoconf libsndfile1-dev libliquid-dev

# Build in /tmp
cd /tmp/
git clone https://github.com/windytan/redsea.git
cd redsea
 ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make

# This final command may need to be run as root
make install
  • Install ffmpeg. Ensure HLS & AAC support is enabled. Usually, ffmpeg from the Debian/ffmpeg repositories are good.

  • Clone this repository.

git clone https://github.com/benbaptist/rtlweb.git
cd rtlweb
  • Start, and enjoy!
python3 start-rtlweb.py