
View a set of chronological events from a CSV file, in a nicer way.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CSV Items Event View

View a set of chronological events from a CSV file, in a nicer way.

I created this thing because I needed a better visualization of some CSV files that I usually work on, that are used to store chronological events on a set of items.

CSV structure

The format of these CSV files looks like this:




Just start a webserver in the directory where you cloned this repo, and go there with a browser.


The script looks for a config.json file, that contains info such as the CSV input file, the separator, etc; for example:

  "projectName": "Sample tracking",
  "inputFile": "examples/sample.csv",
  "separator": ",",
  "skipEmptyRows": true,
  "customCSS": "examples/sample.css",

  "eventTypeMapping": { 
      "a": "Type A",
      "b": "Type B"


With it you can map the alias (event_type) in the CSV to a human-comprehensible event name that you decide.


If you have rows with no events, with this flag you can skip them.


You can point to a CSS file in wich you can give some eye-candy to your output. For example, since each cell has a CSS class type-<event_type> you can define rules for specific event types:

.type-a {
    background: rgba(197, 237, 52, .5);

Multiple configuration

What happens if - let's say - you want to use this thing with 3 CSV files?

  • Just make 3 copies of index.html, and create 3 JSON configurations.
  • Configure the JSON files as you need;
  • Point to the correct JSON configuration in the HTML files, by adding this line just before <script src='main.js'></script>:
<script>configFile = 'correct-config-file.json'</script>

By doing this, you now have a page for each configuration/CSV to visualize.



Example 2