
CS 229 Final Project: Unsupervised Cross-Domain Image Generation

Primary LanguagePython

Before Getting Started

  • Face transfer showed very limited success compared to the original paper. Please see our final report for a discussion of achievable results with this implementation.
  • To generate the dataset of emoji images:
    • Create a directory called emoji_data in the current datasets directory
    • There are 2 emoji generation scripts: create_emojis.py is for creating small datasets (<1000 images) and create_emojis_parallel.py for large datasets.
    • Run python3 create_emojis.py or python3 create_emojis_parallel.py to generate the dataset. Note you must use python3 to run these scripts because of the url request.
    • To change the number of emojis generated, change the num_emojis variable at the top of the generation script.

CS 229 Final Project: Unsupervised Cross-Domain Image Generation

Davis Rempe, Xinru Hua, Haotian Zhang (Team 925)

Based on this paper.

Overview of files in this repo:

  • /datasets/ - all dataset download/creation/processing scripts
  • /pretrained_model/ - all saved pretrained models for f blocks
  • Network for digit domain transfer:
    • digits_model.py
  • Networks for face domain transfer:
    • faces_model.py - network as in paper
    • faces_model_v2.py - modified network for testing
    • net_sphere.py - SphereFace network (taken mostly from here)
    • open_face_model.py and SpatialCrossMapLRN_model.py - OpenFace network (taken mostly from here)
  • Training scripts:
    • base_test.py - abstract training class
    • classifier_f_test.py - f block training for digit transfer
    • digit_model_test.py - digit model transfer training
    • digit_model_test_septrain.py - digit model transfer training with separated source and target training
    • faces_model_test_open.py - face transfer training with OpenFace
    • faces_model_test_sphere.py - face transfer training with SphereFace
  • Training script drivers:
    • FaceMain.ipynb - driver for training face transfer
  • data.py - all data loaders and preprocessing code

Other references