A react library which provides flexible and cool animated menubar with an easy to use API and a bunch of awesome features . Give it a try and you will love it for sure.
npm install --save react-responsive-multi-level-menu
1.Define the data
- Define the data(menu items) as per the given format , which you want to render in the Menubar.
const menuItems = [
{ value: "Fashion",
items: [
{ value: "Men",
items: [{ value: "Shirts" }]
{ value: "Electronics"},
{ value: "Furnitures"},
{ value: "Jewelery&watches", items: [] }
export default MenuItems;
2. Use the Menubar component anywhere in your code
Use the Menubar component anywhere and pass the props.
import Menubar from "react-responsive-multi-level-menu";
import MenuItems from "../path/where/menuItems/present";
import "./styles.css"
const app = () => {
const animation=['slideIn' , 'slideOut']
<h1>This is Animated Menu-bar</h1>
<Menubar data={MenuItems} animation={animation} backgroundColor="#FF5733" className="menubar"/>
Guide And Documentation
For the complete documentation . Click here.