
Normally what happens is that on day of examination, every student has to look sitting arrangement and then rush towards the examination hall. The idea is to automate this whole process so that student can receive the seating arrangement on text message on the day of examination so that they can proceed directly towards the Hall.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status


Normally what happens is that on day of examination, every student has to look sitting arrangement and then rush towards the examination hall. The idea is to automate this whole process so that student can receive the seating arrangement on text message on the day of examination so that they can proceed directly towards the Hall.


  • User can log in and register, custom authentication is used with jwt, bcrypt.js, validator on the backend with node.js, express.js and monogDb.
  • For redirecting to other routes user has to be logged in if not then this project directly redirect to the login page .
  • User can add student, teacher, exam, datesheet if he/she is logged in .
  • CRUD on course, department, semester, teacher, subject, student, exam, room, datesheet .
  • Build with MVC architecture


  1. bcryptjs
  2. cors
  3. express
  4. jsonwebtoken
  5. moment 6.mongoose
  6. twilio
  7. validator
  8. axios
  9. bootstrap
  10. react-bootstrap
  11. react-redux
  12. reactstrap
  13. redux
  14. redux-thunk
  15. sweetalert


Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.

$ npm install

Folder structure

│   ├───controllers
│   ├───middlewares
│   └───models
│   ├───public
│   └───src
│       ├───actions
│       ├───component
│       │   ├───auth
│       │   ├───course
│       │   ├───datesheet
│       │   ├───department
│       │   ├───exam
│       │   ├───room
│       │   ├───semester
│       │   ├───static
│       │   ├───student
│       │   ├───subject
│       │   └───teacher
│       ├───config
│       ├───reducers
│       ├───selectors 
│       └───store           

