- acurleyUS Department of the Treasury
- amielBento
- binaryclericHeroku
- blambeauEnspirit SPRL
- clintgiblerSan Francisco
- copiousfreetimeCopious Free Time, LLC
- DanSTurner
- davidcelis@firehydrant
- enilsen16Taipei, Taiwan
- eregonOracle Labs
- HobogrammerSeattle,WA
- hollocherdaleVermont
- iffyuva@codemancers
- ivanvanderbyl@ensigniasec
- ixti@Kikoff
- javierhonducoLondon / Madrid
- JuanitoFatas@Buildkite
- kenichiPortland, Oregon
- kgrz@Flipkart
- lefthand@planningcenter
- mattr-@github
- maxjustusPeople With Jetpacks
- miyucy
- mlrPortland, OR
- nathancarnesBento
- nogweiiPhoenix, AZ
- philipqnguyenReno, Nevada
- RoxasShadowLondon
- sentientmonkeyFlexe
- sferik@twitter
- sosedoffCalifornia
- squarismPortland, OR
- tkrajcarMURAL
- Toady00Charlotte, NC
- zph