
It contains different code generation (not rust codegen) cli tools that may help your life with Diesel easier.

Primary LanguageRust

Diesel CLI Extension

Diesel CLI Extension is a tool-belt that aids Diesel CLI after it built schema.rs .

It contains 4 functions at this moment.

  1. Generate protobuf file.(diesel_ext proto)
  2. Generate model rust structs.(diesel_ext model)
  3. Generate conversion implementations.(diesel_ext into_proto, and diesel_ext from_proto)

How to use

First of all, diesel print-schema > src/schema.rs

To generate model structs:

e.g. diesel_ext > src/db/db_models.rs , diesel_ext model > src/models.rs (it is the default option)

Sample model output:

use chrono::NaiveDateTime;
use bigdecimal::BigDecimal;

pub struct CarryOverBalance {
    pub account_id : i64,
    pub debit : BigDecimal,
    pub description : String,

pub struct Order {
    pub id1 : i64,
    pub time : NaiveDateTime,
    pub json : String,

To generate prelimitive proto file:

diesel_ext proto > myproto.proto

Sample output:

syntax = "proto3";

message CarryOverBalance {
    int64 account_id = 1;
    string debit = 2;
    string description = 3;
message Order {
    int64 id1 = 1;
    string time = 2;
    string json = 3;

message EnquireCarryOverBalanceRequest {
    int64 id =1;
message EnquireOrderRequest {
    int64 id =1;

service MessageRpc {
    rpc getCarryOverBalance (EnquireCarryOverBalanceRequest) returns (CarryOverBalance) { }
    rpc getOrder (EnquireOrderRequest) returns (Order) { }

To generate proto conversions:

diesel_ext from_proto class_name > proto/src/conversion/from_proto.rs, diesel_ext into_proto class_name > proto/src/conversion/into_proto.rs

(if you omit the second parameter, names will be displayed as _name_ for your search and replace.)

Sample output(from):

use models;
use proto::client_service;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::convert::From;

impl From<class_name::CarryOverBalance> for models::CarryOverBalance {
    fn from(i: class_name::CarryOverBalance) -> Self {
            account_id: i.get_account_id(),
            debit: i.get_debit().to_string(),
            description: i.get_description().to_string(),

impl From<class_name::Order> for models::Order {
    fn from(i: class_name::Order) -> Self {
            id1: i.get_id1(),
            time: i.get_time().to_string(),
            json: i.get_json().to_string(),


use models;
use proto::client_service;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::convert::From;

impl From<models::CarryOverBalance> for class_name::CarryOverBalance {
    fn from(i: models::CarryOverBalance) -> Self {
        let mut o = class_name::CarryOverBalance::new();

impl From<models::Order> for class_name::Order {
    fn from(i: models::Order) -> Self {
        let mut o = class_name::Order::new();