CS5201 - Object-Oriented Numerical Modeling I

Homework 6


You can find full details for this assignment below:


Late Assignments

If you wish to make a late submission past the deadline, 1 PM on 4/22/16, you must email me (Billy) as you are using Git. Tell me how late your assignment will be and when you want me to pull it down.

Note that this deadline can change. This README is not valid for use in an argument if it were to change. Supreme Chancellor Price's word is final.

On the course syllabus you can find more details about late grades, how many you are alloted, and their penalties.

End of Semester

This only applies to students that use git. At the end of the semester, all of your repositories will be deleted. I highly recommend that your code to BitBucket or fork it to your username.

Please keep your code private. This helps keep this course difficult (read: valuable) and increases your value as a graduate. By making this repository public, you only hurt yourself. Only good programmers get this far in this course, let's keep it this way.

Overwriting this Repository

Feel free to remove this README and merge in any code you have written up until this point. This file serves no purpose other than to inform you.

Reference Material

There is reference material available at the bottom of my website here: https://brod.es/5201/git

If you need further assistance, you can always email me at bjrq48@mst.edu.