
The new Missouri S&T ACM SIG-Game webserver application.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ophelia - siggame's new webserver

The old Django site is becoming hard to maintain so its time for a new website. This new site utilizes Node.js and Express to create a lightweight webserver for megaminerai.com.

Using Docker Compose

Using docker-compose is probably the easiest way to get started with docker. Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed. Check out your distributions package manager for the actual packages to install. You may have to start the docker daemon.

To build the docker image, simply navigate to the base directory of the repo and execute

docker-compose build

This will download the base node image, create all the image layers, and add an image with the name siggame/ophelia to the local dockerfile image repository.

To run the webserver with a development setup, run

docker-compose up

which will use the docker-compose.yml file to run the image and set up a few other things to aid in development. When you are ready to stop the webserver run

docker-compose stop

and then use

docker-compose rm

to get rid of the stopped containers.

To run the webserver with a production setup, run

docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up

The other commands are similar. For more information on this setup, check out this tutorial docker node app

Using Docker

For more direct control over the docker images you can use docker directly. To get started, make sure you have docker installed. Then, to build the docker image you can simply run:

docker build https://github.com/siggame/ophelia.git

This will download the repo in a temp directory and build the docker image. If you already have the repository downloaded, you can navigate to the base directory and run:

docker build -t siggame/ophelia .

Note the '.' which specifies the current directory This builds the docker image from the local copy of the ophelia repo and tags it with the repository name "siggame/ophelia".

When you're ready to run the image, you can quickly get running using:

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name web siggame/ophelia

This will run the container in detached mode, with the container port 3000 being mapped to localhost port 3000 and naming the running container instance web for easy manipulation. To see what containers are running, use:

docker ps

and to stop and remove the container run:

docker stop web
docker rm web

For more info on using docker, check out the docs at docker docs