Procedure requires several components which must be installed (available) on your local machine, before we can continue with the installation.
Installation of those components is out of scope of this document so please proceed with official documentation where all required steps are precisely described
- Bootstrap K8S cluster based on EKS with monitoring, ingress and Vault
- Installation of all components should be automated with Terraform
- Helm should be used as package manager for K8S addons installation
- Prometheus and Alertmanager should be protected by authentication
- Monitoring should be installed with a pre-configured alert to notify a responsible person for any pod that has more than 10% Memory usage
- Alertmanager notifications should be send to the endpoint with the POST method (body should includes pod information)
- All passwords should be stored in the Vault
- All configuration and infrastructure description should be kept in the git repository
Installation process is fully managed by terraform and provided default allows you to have fully running kubernetes cluster based on eks deployed in eu-central-1
aws region.
The minimal setup can be easily and softly applied but make sure that all prerequisites are installed and configured.
Clone git repository
git clone
Go to directory where all terraform configuration are located
cd hazelcast-cloud-challenge/terraform
Adjust your configuration in
(but as mentioned it is not mandatory)
Make sure all terraform modules are in place
terraform get -update
Initialise terraform environment
terraform init
Validate changes proposed by the terraform
terraform plan
Apply proposed changes
terraform plan
Double check if proposed changes are valid and if yes confirm change
This process might take several minutes before it will be fully completed
At the end you should see output similar to this:
info =
- Custer Name :: hazelcast-challenge
- ID :: vpc-07b953974a8e1568a
- Region :: eu-central-1
- Availability Zones :: eu-central-1a, eu-central-1b, eu-central-1c
- Public :: subnet-0f697da3cb1ec82a6, subnet-07aa87bd43b9dd419, subnet-04b3af46f6f082f65
- Private :: subnet-0c465e6c552d1b63f, subnet-050b202a45dc9e5ea, subnet-0000a032c0f0f9389
- Prometheus ::
- Alertmanager ::
- ID :: hazelcast-challenge
- Cluster Version :: 1.14
- Cluster Endpoint ::
- Node Status :: kubectl --kubeconfig kubeconfig* get nodes
- Pods Status :: kubectl --kubeconfig kubeconfig* get pods --all-namespaces
Apply hotfix for kube-proxy
kubectl --kubeconfig kubeconfig* -n kube-system get cm kube-proxy-config -o yaml |sed 's/metricsBindAddress:' | kubectl --kubeconfig kubeconfig* apply -f -
kubectl --kubeconfig kubeconfig* -n kube-system patch ds kube-proxy -p "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"labels\":{\"updateTime\":\"`date +'%s'`\"}}}}}"
Decommission environment
terraform destroy
Double check if this is what you want and if yes confirm action
- Kube-proxy require extra hotfix (aws/containers-roadmap#657)
- Helm2 is used as terraform provider is not yet ready (hashicorp/terraform-provider-helm#378)
- Vault is not configured and is not storing any secrets as expected
- No TLS for ingress and custom domain
- Environment still require small hardening (ip whitelisting, strict security groups, etc)
- Terraform is not using any remote state configuration