PocketDoc Assesment The Glasgow Score Calculator Documentation

Some Theory

The Glasgow score was initially made for the evaluation of head trauma, however it allows a good description of the patient's state at a given moment and especially to follow the evolution of his state of consciousness. The Glasgow score is rated from 3 to 15 and must be broken down into its three parameters noted Y + V + M = 3 to 15

This simple mobile application helps Doctors to calculate Glasgow score and predict the percentage of Recovery and Mortality with the ease of clicking a button .

I used the following data from https://www.sfmu.org/calculateurs/glasgow.htm to do simple Analysis report for each calculation

Analysis : • Score of 3 or 4: about 7% good recovery. - About 87% mortality. • Score of 5 to 7: approximately 34% good recovery. - About 53% mortality. • Score of 8 to 10: approximately 68% good recovery. - About 27% mortality. • Score greater than 10: approximately 82% good recovery. - About 12% mortality.

API Glasgow Score Calculator API is built using PHP and use Laravel MVC framework and uses postgresQl database to store the structure of the Glasgow Score parameters and options.using this API we can create, update, Fetch and delete options under three parameters in the Glasgow Score Calculation

How to depoly

  • clone or download zip Glasgow Score Calculator API codebase from github

  • change .env configration according to your database username and password

  • create postgresql or mysql database with the same name you put in .env configration

  • migrate the tables to the connected database using the following command

    php artisan migrate

  • finally run the server php artisan serve

you can access the Api using postman or browser through the local link

endpoints on the local server

For eye opening parameter fetch all options for eye opening -- get one option using its id (5 in this case)

Json fetched from ey_opening of the api

const eyeOpeningData = [ { label: "Spontaneous", selected: false, value: 4, }, { label: "On Verbal Command", selected: true, value: 3 }, { label: "To pain", selected: false, value: 2, }, { label: "Nothing", selected: false, value: 1 }, ];

For eye Verbal Response --- fetch all options under verbal response --- get one option using its id (5 in this case)

JSON returned from verbal response of the api

const verbalResponseData = [ { label: "Appropraited,oriented", selected: false, value: 5, }, { label: "Confused", selected: false, value: 4 }, { label: "Inconsistent", selected: true, value: 3, }, { label: "incomprehensible", selected: false, value: 2, },

{ label: "Nothing", selected: false, value: 1, }, ];

For eye Verbal Response --- fetch all options under Motor response --- get one option using its id (5 in this case)

const motorResponseData = [ { label: "Obdience to veerbal orders", selected: false, value: 6, },

{ label: "Pain-oriented reaction", selected: false, value: 5, },

{ label: "Non-oriented pain response", selected: false, value: 4, }, { label: "With decortication type", selected: true, value: 3, }, { label: "type of decerebration", selected: false, value: 2, }, { label: "Nothig", selected: false, value: 1, }, ];

Mobile Application Glasgow Score Calculator mobile application is built using React Native ,it uses Axios to fetch the data from the API

the app requests to the API to fetch the stucture of the Glasgow Score to construct the interface and use it for the calculation