
ˊ・ω・ˋ Emacs~~

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

ˊ・ω・ˋ Emacs~~

This is an init file for a non-programmer. Without any warranty surely because this is just for my personal usage. =w=+


If ~/.emacs.d existed already, please backup it first.

cd ~ && git clone --recursive https://github.com/kuanyui/.emacs.d

Byte Compile Packages in elpa/ (Optional)

Compile .el into .elc may shorten startup time.

emacs --load ./byte-compile-packages-in-elpa.el

Upgrading Packages (Not Recommended)

Notice: This action is not necessary. It's possible cause some compatibility problems or install a latest but broken package.

You may want to update and upgrade all packages:

emacs --load ./auto-install-packages.el

If you encounter some problems while installing packages, runs it manually again (or more times).