
  • Mohamed Ali

Included Files: * All Those in output Directory. * * *

Accessories: * None

Running Instructions:

1- Navigate to the directory where all the Included files reside in.
2- Run the command 'pip install -r requirements.txt' to install the required dependencies needed to run the solution.
3- Navigate to and change the variable ' PATH_TO_DATASET ' if it's different from the value already set.
3- Run the command 'python ./'

Notes and Assumptions:

* It's assumed that if a vehicle entry in the provided dataset is missing the field value of 'Year' then it violates both the hasYear and validYear validation rule.
* A sample output has been generated by running the code and the output is stored in the ./output directory.
* It's assumed that the output of the program needs to be displayed to the terminal only and not saved to an independent file.
* It's assumed that the user has Python 3.9 or above installed on their system and that the path to python.exe is added to their PATH environment variable.