Team 17: Monopoly

This is the repository of our Monopoly game for CPSC 233, Winter 2020.
This game is based on the Original Monopoly game and it will be a board game. This game will be written in the Java language as part of our CPSC 233 project. This project will be written by four students from the University of Calgary who begin to learn this language.

System Requirments

To be able to play this game a Java JDK 8 System is required. Click Here to download the Java System needed for the game.


  1. Go to the Code Repository under the master branch
  2. Download files from master branch as a ZIP file under downloads file
  3. Extract files and check you have everything shown on the GitHub file


  1. Open computer's terminal or eclipse to open the game


  1. open terminal and locate the file

Terminal: cd Download\Monopoly-master

  1. Compile: javac
  2. Run: java Game
  3. Play Game


  1. Enter Eclipse → Create a "New Folder" under the File button → Name it
  2. Import the github file from the downloads folder you already downloaded
  • It can be done by dragging the Monopoly-master to the src folder inside the eclipse file
  • Accept making a copy
  • Game files will be available
  1. Click on options and go to setting → Press on Run As
  2. Press Run Application
  3. Play Game



  • Text Based Version of the Monopoly game


  • GUI Implementation


  • text based version working
  • GUI implemented
  • able to choose player
  • properties and cards working

Made By:

Aaron Gio
Dawood Afzaal
Haipeng Qiao
Marco Arias