
Develop a credit scoring model to predict the creditworthiness of individuals based on historical financial data. Utilize classification algorithms and assess the model's accuracy.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


You can run the code in Pycharm and vscode.

I divided the task into following things:

Importing libraries:

pandas: Used for data manipulation and analysis.

numpy: Provides support for large arrays and matrices.

matplotlib.pyplot: Used for plotting and visualization.

sklearn.model_selection: Includes tools for splitting the dataset and performing grid search.

sklearn.pipeline: Helps in creating a machine learning pipeline.

sklearn.compose: Allows combining different preprocessing steps.

sklearn.preprocessing: Contains various preprocessing utilities.

sklearn.linear_model: Provides regression algorithms like Ridge regression.

sklearn.metrics: Offers metrics for model evaluation.

Faker: Generates fake data.

Initialize Faker and Data Generation:

Faker is initialized to create realistic synthetic data.

np.random.seed(0) ensures reproducibility of random numbers.

fake_data dictionary contains:

income: Normally distributed incomes with mean 50000 and standard deviation 15000.

age: Random integers between 20 and 70.

credit_history: Random integers between 1 and 10.

credit_score: Random integers between 300 and 850.

Data Conversion:

The generated data is converted to a pandas DataFrame for easier manipulation.

Splitting Data:

X contains the features (income, age, credit_history).

y contains the target variable (credit_score).

Pipline Preprocessing:

ColumnTransformer applies transformations to specified columns.

StandardScaler standardizes features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance.

Pipline Regression:

Pipeline chains preprocessing and model fitting steps.

Ridge regression is used as the model.

HyperParameter Tuning:

GridSearchCV performs hyperparameter tuning using cross-validation.

parameters dictionary specifies the range of alpha values for Ridge regression.

Train-Test Split and Prediction:

train_test_split splits the data into training and testing sets (80% train, 20% test).

Model Evaluation:

r2_score and mean_squared_error evaluate the model's performance.

The best hyperparameters are printed.

Prediction Function:

predict_credit_score: Function to predict credit scores using the trained model.

A sample prediction is made using specified income, age, and credit_history.


plt.scatter creates a scatter plot to visualize the relationship between actual and predicted credit scores.

The output looks like this:




MIT License