
A re-frame inspired mini framework/library for event-driven reagent front-end.

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


There's a companion article "Implementing An Event-Driven ClojureScript Mini-Framework With Core.Async" on my blog if you want to know more about this repo.


After spending some time studying the wonderful re-frame source code, I created this mini-reframe demo in the attempt to replicate what I think the core of re-frame is. Since the core of the mini-reframe is so small, I have no intention to release it as a library/framework. If you think it's going to help your project, feel free to copy and paste the mini-reframe.event-loop ns. That's all you need :)


Mini-reframe is mini in a few aspects:

  • Core is mini
    • The core of mini-reframe is the mini-reframe.event-loop ns, which has 53 LoC including doc-string and comments at this point.
  • Scope is mini
    • There's no global app-state or global handler registry.
  • Feature set is mini
    • This is for study purpose so I didn't include many awesome features from re-frame, such as interceptors.

Self-guided source code tour

  • mini-reframe.event-loop: This is the core of mini-reframe. Everything else is for demo purpose.
  • mini-reframe.app: This is the starting point of the demo app. If you just want to see the usage of mini-reframe, start from here. It has the global event loop defined. Checkout the router controller that kicks off the local event loop and dispatches the :init local event.
  • mini-reframe.global: This namespace contains the global state, the global event channel, the global event handler, and the global fx handler. Also the syntactic sugar APIs - dispatch! and subscribe.
  • mini-reframe.home-page: The stateless home page.
  • mini-reframe.evil-page: The stateful evil page that contains its local event-loop. See the definition of event-handler, effect-handler, and subscribe. Also checkout the way to handle the :http fx. It's inspired by the re-frame-http-fx library.


To start a event loop in the background, you'll need to prepare a few things:

  1. An state reagent atom state
  2. A core.async channel events-ch
  3. A map of event-handler
  4. A map of fx-handler

For example, the mini-reframe.global ns defines:

(defonce state (atom {}))

(def events-ch (a/chan))

(def event-handler
   (fn [db [_event-type new-match]]
     (when new-match
       (let [old-controllers (:controllers (:current-route db))
             controllers     (rfc/apply-controllers old-controllers new-match)
             new-route       (assoc new-match :controllers controllers)]
         {:db (assoc db :current-route new-route)})))
   (fn [_db [_event-type data]]
     {:log data})})

(def fx-handler
  {:db  (fn [state _effect-key new-db]
          (when-not (identical? new-db @state)
            (reset! state new-db)))
   :log (fn [_state _effect-key data]
          (js/console.log data))})

And the mini-reframe.app/init! starts the event loop with:

(event-loop/start-event-loop! global/events-ch


To get an interactive development environment run:

clojure -A:fig:build

This will auto compile and send all changes to the browser without the need to reload. After the compilation process is complete, you will get a Browser Connected REPL. An easy way to try it is:

(js/alert "Am I connected?")

and you should see an alert in the browser window.

To clean all compiled files:

rm -rf target/public

To create a production build run:

rm -rf target/public
clojure -A:fig:min


Copyright © 2021 Daw-Ran Liou

Distributed under the MIT License.