
examples and reference implementations using dawson

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


examples and reference implementations using dawson


To run each example, after configuring AWS Credentials, run:

$ npm install
$ dawson deploy
$ dawson dev # starts the development server

The first deploy will take ~20 minutes, because the Amazon CloudFront Distribution needs to be created.
Subsequent deploys will take ~2 minutes.


Example name AWS Lambda Runtime Project Type CloudFront? Custom Resources Description Link
0-basic-srp-pug Node.js Server-rendered pages yes Simple app that renders pug templates server-side Link
1-basic-spa Node.js Single-page-app yes Basic Single-page-app that serves an index.html file which gets information from the API Link
2-basic-python Python 2.7 Server-rendered yes Server-rendered pages in Python 2.7 Link