1. GET virtualenv
$ curl -O https://raw.github.com/pypa/virtualenv/master/virtualenv.py

2. START a new sandboxed python environment (named "loyalty_env" here)
$ python virtualenv.py loyalty_env

3. INSIDE your new sandbox loyalty_env
$ . loyalty_env/bin/activate
(loyalty_env)$ pip install redis
(loyalty_env)$ pip install psycopg2

Now you have loyalty_env sandbox setup with redis and Postgres libraries. To get out of the sanbox, type 'deactivate'. And to get back to the sandboxes enviroment, type the '. loyalty_env/bin/activate' command

4. MAKE slaeps.py executable
$ chmod a+x slaeps.py

5. CONFIGURE Redis and Database
Look inside sl_redis.py and sl_db.py. If you have Redis running locally (see section "INSTALLING Redis locally
"), leave config pointed at localhost.

6. RUN slaeps.py
(loyalty_env)$ ./slaeps -mg 10188

INSTALLING Redis locally

Installing locally:
$ wget http://redis.googlecode.com/files/redis-2.6.0-rc6.tar.gz
$ tar xzf redis-2.6.0-rc6.tar.gz
$ cd redis-2.6.0-rc6
$ make

Start server:
$ src/redis-server

In a different terminal, run:
$ src/redis-cli
redis> hmset user:1 name Bruce age 35
redis> hgetall user:1
