
Ruby on Rails clone of (now defunct) dress rental website 99dresses

Primary LanguageRuby


This project asks you to clone the (now defunct) dress rental website 99dresses. We'll make it cat oriented.

Learning Goals

Part I

  • Be able to build a model with validations and default values
  • Know how to build Rails views for new and edit forms
  • Know how to use a hidden field to set the form's method
  • Be able to separate the form out into a partial that both forms use
  • Be able to show data and actions based on the form's type
  • Know how to use select and input HTML elements
  • Be able to add methods to a Rails model

Part II

  • Be able to create a user authentication system
    • Know the user model's methods that are required for authentication
      • reset_session_token, password=, is_password?, find_by_credentials
    • Know what it means to create and destroy a session
    • Know how cookies and sessions interact in a current_user method
    • Know how to access the current user from within a view