
mock Yelp app using Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Bootstrap, and Sass in Docker

Primary LanguageJavaScript


App that allows registered user to create camping site reviews and to comment on them.

Learning Goals

  • Create RESTful API for users to interact with the application
  • Responsive web design with Bootstrap and Sass
  • Authentication using Passport.js
  • Data persistence and modeling with MongoDB and Mongoose ORM
  • Version control with Git and Github
  • Deploying app using Heroku and MongoDB Atlas




Intructions to edit and run app locally in Docker container

Install Brew

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Install Docker, docker-machine, and docker-compose

$ brew update

$ brew install docker docker-machine docker-compose

Install Git and clone YelpCamp Github repository

$ brew install git

$ git clone https://github.com/daxwann/Yelp-camp.git

Create docker-machine and set up environmental variables

$ docker-machine create --driver=virtualbox Char

$ docker-machine start Char

$ eval $(docker-machine env Char)

Use docker-compose to build and run app and mongo services

$ docker-compose up

The application will be up on the docker-machine ip under port 3000

YelpCamp is part of Web Developer Bootcamp on Udemy.

Creative Commons License.