
Laravel Artisan Backup is Package for Backup The Database, Super Fast and Easy with Artisan Backup

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Laravel Artisan Backup

Laravel Artisan Backup is Package for Backup The Database, Super Fast and Easy with Artisan Backup

Installation Guide

composer require daycode/artisan-backup

Go to config/app.php, then put these code on service providers

'providers' => [
    * Package Service Providers...

Last, for make sure this package installed correctly.

composer dump-autoload && php artisan optimize:clear

Default Artisan Backup Directory Structure

├── ...
├── database                    
|    ├── ...          
|    ├── backup          
|    |   ├── mysql
|    |   |   ├── sql
|    |   |   ├── json 
|    |   └── ...           
|    └── ...                
└── ...

Usage Guide

MySQL Backup

SQL Format

php artisan backup:mysql -t sql


php artisan backup:mysql --type=sql

JSON Format

php artisan backup:mysql -t json


php artisan backup:mysql --type=json



This project is released under the MIT license.