Firebird Classic

This is a package for firebird laravel >=5.1 using ibase function and that not using pdo because numeric in pdo firebird return random number.


  • excute query
  • insert
  • update
  • delete


composer require dayatfadila7/firebirdclassic

or add manual in composer.json

        "dayatfadila7/firebirdclassic": "^1.0"

Next, add your new provider to the providers array of config/app.php:
```'providers' => [
    // ...
    // ...
  ### How to use it
  first you must add IbaseQuery namespace
  use FireBirdClassic\Query\IbaseQuery;
  than create constructor  :
  public function __construct()
        $this->command = new IbaseQuery;
#### feature ibase query

##### a. execute for excute query


$query = "SELECT * FROM USER";

##### b. create 
example : 
$data = ['USERNAME'=>'Sarah',['PASSWORD']=>'yourname'];

##### b. update 
$this->command->update($>table, $data, $condition)
example :
$data = ['USERNAME'=>'Sarah',['PASSWORD']=>'yourname'];
$condition = ['ID'=>1];

##### c. delete
$this->command->delete($table, $condition);
$condition = ['ID'=>1];

##note :
$data and $codition is array.
for execute sql create,update and delete you must run function execute.
example :
$command = $this->command->create('USER',$data);