
Mirror of http://code.google.com/p/commtesting/source/browse?repo=sipunit

Primary LanguageJava


For documentation, visit 

For license information: Open the file 
	docs/license/index.html using a web browser.

For the SipUnit API class javadocs: open the file 
	docs/api/index.html using a web browser.
For tutorial-type examples, see the SipUnit user guide at
For example real test classes that use SipUnit, see the SipUnit unit test java files in the binary 
    distribution and in the source code project. You can run the noproxy/TestNoProxy
	test right away, see next item. 
	For running some of the other test classes, a proxy or stun server is required. For setup info,
	see the header comments in each test java file and also visit the section on proxy 
	considerations in the user guide at
TO RUN AN EXAMPLE TEST: see how in the installation test section of the SipUnit user guide at

To debug what's happening during a SipUnit test, turn on the SipUnit trace by adding
    this line of code to your test class setUp() method after creating the SipStack:
    You can also set the trace level to 32 instead of the default 16 to get even more output. Do it by setting the
    following property in the properties provided to SipStack creation: 
        properties.setProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.TRACE_LEVEL", "32");
    Also you can use the NIST-SIP visual trace tool. See how, and get it, here: