A multiplayer blackjack game with an integrated chat system. View the live heroku site here
- Automated dev server redeployment
- README docs
- Basic nav
- Deployment and hosting to production environment (Heroku)
- Integration with Postgres (local and prod)
- Finish database API
- Create user sessions based on login credentials
- Create signup flow
- Asset compilation and page speed
- Asset bundling
- Add --mockdata as a flag during build for people who have no DB connection
- Open database api to admin user for easier db testing
- Set up basic socket.io framework for chat
- Add middleware for handling HTTP response codes (500, 404, etc)
- Helper functions
- Clean up Routing structure
git clone https://github.com/SFSU-CSC-667/term-project-spring-2017-applejacks.git
cd term-project-spring-2017-applejacks
npm install yarn
oryarn install
yarn run app #this will listen for server changes and redeploy
- visit localhost:3000