
GitHub profile page.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


$ whoami

▶ Pentester experienced in application, external, and cloud tests in addition to source code review
▶ Build and help contribute to numerous open-source tools
▶ Research vulnerabilities on *
▶ Daily drive Qubes OS and Arch Linux (btw)
▶ Manage a homelab with a couple servers and a couple dozen services

$ ls

Twitch Recover/ - Twitch video recovery, retrieval, and download tool, working across VODs, clips, highlights, and streams
dotfiles/ - Personal dotfiles, continuously in progress
Microsoft To-Do Export/ - Microsoft To-Do export tool into formats compatible for import to other to-do applications
Pi-Hole Blocklist/ - Collection of malicious or invasive domain lists to use with a Pi-Hole or other similar solutions
Twitcl GQL/ - Twitch non-'public' API GraphQL schema

$ compgen -c


Technologies and Tools

Cloud and Virtualisation Services

$ mail

$ gpg --list-keys

$ stat

Daylam Tayari's GitHub stats