
♛ Gambit, the chess engine.

Primary LanguageGo

♛ Gambit


  • Root position system
  • Bitboard representation
    • FEN coder/encoder
  • Move generation
    • Basic pseudo-legal movegen
    • Perft test
    • Magic bitboards
  • Game state
    • Half-move clock
    • Full-move clock
    • Zobrist hash
    • TBA
  • Move application
    • Copy-Make
    • Make-Unmake
  • Engine
    • Scoring heuristics
      • Material value
      • Tapered PST
      • Tempo
      • TBA
    • Negamax with IDDFS
    • Quiescence search
    • Transposition table
    • Basic capture move ordering
    • Transposition table PV move ordering
    • Killer heuristic move ordering
    • Null move pruning
    • Late move reduction
    • Clock manager
      • Movetime decay
    • Repetition check
    • TBA
  • Interface
    • UCI