
A dark theme for Sublime Text 2/3


A minty theme that's easy on the eyes.


  • Simply open up the command palette (CTRL+SHIFT+P or CMD+SHIFT+P).
  • Find Package Control: Install Package.
  • Search for Minteresting
  • Clone to Packages/ directory
  • Restart Sublime Text just in case something didn't load without problems. (Happens with themes)

Activating theme (Package Control and Manual)

Activate the theme by adding the following lines to your user preferences configuration file

  "color_scheme": "Packages/Minteresting/Minteresting.tmTheme",
  "theme": "Minteresting.sublime-theme",

RubyTest users may also enjoy the provided test console theme for consistency:

  "theme": "Packages/Minteresting/MinterestingTestConsole.tmTheme"


Minteresting screenshot


Theme based on the Neopolitan theme. Features a charcoal color that is easy on the eyes for long coding sessions. Prominent comments beg to be deleted or read. This also helps with code that is documented with comments.

Color scheme

Matches the theme for maximum immersion.


If you find bugs please post them in the issues section and/or submit pull requests.