
Process, check and validate text from bilara-data and original ms_yuttadhammo source.

Setting up

This package require Python distribution (it was tested using Python 3.7), thus please make sure that such a version (or newer) is available at your machine. If not, please download it from

  1. Clone the repository to your machine
git clone
  1. Clone bilara-data repository to your machine
git clone
  1. Create new virtual environment in the same directory as cloned sc-renumber-segments
python3 -m venv ./sc-renumber-segments/
  1. Activate your virtual environment
source ./sc-renumber-segments/bin/activate
  1. Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Install application in developer mode
pip install -e .
  1. Copy config file to the current directory
cp sc-renumber-segments/src/example_config.yaml .
  1. Try running sutta-processor app
sutta-processor -c example_config.yaml

If everything was set up correctly, you should see such a notification:

Loading config: 'example_config.yaml'
Script is working!

Running the application

Whenever you want to run a particular script from the app just change exec_module of the example_config.yaml file to whatever you choose - for instance:

exec_module: 'run_all_checks'

List of available scripts:

  • run_all_checks - run all available checks
  • check_migration - cross-validate bilara-data text against original ms_yuttadhammo source files; the result will be saved to the path specified in example_config.yaml file, by default: ./bilara-data/migration_differences
  • bilara_check_comment - check if path to comments is set up properly
  • bilara_check_html - check if path to html files is set up properly
  • bilara_check_root - check if path to root files is set up properly
  • bilara_check_translation - check if path to translation files is set up properly
  • bilara_check_variant - check if path to variant files is set up properly
  • bilara_load - load bilara-data
  • ms_yuttadhammo_convert_to_html - extract html files directly from original xml files
  • ms_yuttadhammo_load - load ms_yuttadhammo
  • ms_yuttadhammo_match_root_text - match root text of ms_yuttadhammo
  • noop - no operation, available just for checking purposes
  • reference_data_check - validate references

Notes on exceptions

The scripts try to return as many possibly wrong entries as possible, and hence generate some false positives. Further refinement might eliminate these, but for now, here is a general guide to the exceptions you are likely to find. Following describes the state as of 23/6/2020.


Saves files to /migration_differences. Works by diffing text based on ms IDs, stripping punctuation, ṃ/ṅ differences, markup, handles some quote mark cases.

File with the key: 'sn48.147-158' is missing in the root or reference directory 4 false positives of this error.

10 false positives of "contains many ms ids" or "does not contain ms ids"

Script does not currently alias ṃ and ṁ. This will show many bugs unless you replace: ṃ --> ṁ, ṁg --> ṅg, ṁk --> ṅk.

86 false positives.


0 errors


0 errors


Returns 11 duplicated segments errors. These are false positives, the text repeats.


Currently shows false positives for not recognizing German blurbs.


get_wrong_uid_with_arrow The script checks whether the first words in the variant entry are in fact found in the associated root text. Errors are generated in several contexts. Currently 56 are returned. In addition there is a false error due to not recognizing sa12.20:2.2.

[get_unordered_segments] There are '7' unordered segment errors, however these are due to script not parsing sequence properly, they are in fact in sequence.


0 errors.