Deployment on Windows

  • 13th April 2018 - az 2.0.31 is the latest
# Installing az
curl -L | bash

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile .\AzureCLI.msi; Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList '/I AzureCLI.msi /quiet'


$ azure login
$ azure account set ""
$ azure config mode arm

# Create resource group and set tags
az group update --name devtoapp --set tags.Details='{"Environment":"dev"}'

# Display all Azure regions
az account list-locations --query [*].[displayName,name] -o table

# Show your tenandId
$ az account show --query "{tenantId:tenantId}" -o tsv

# Useful for an quick overview of what services may be configured in your subscription
az group list --query '[].{ ResourceGroup: name, Location:location }' -o tsv

# Opening up a firewall rule
$ az vm open-port -g u16041-rg -n u16041 --port 20000 --priority 1001

# Modifying the NSG
$ az network nsg rule create --nsg-name  --resource-group  -n pacman-nonstandard-8889 --direction 'Inbound' \
--priority 2001 --access Allow --source-address-prefixes '*' --source-port-ranges '*' --destination-address-prefixes '*' \
--destination-port-range 8889 --protocol tcp --debug

# Deploy a VM from an ARM Template
az group deployment create --template-file azuredepoy.json --parameters '@vmparams.json' --resource-group myvms --output table

## View public IP
az vm show -d --resource-group myResourceGroup --name linuxVM --query publicIps -o tsv

# View Azure VM Types available in SouthEastAsia regin (Singapore)
az vm list-sizes --location southeastasia --query "[].name" -o tsv

### VM Images
# View publishers of SKU's
az vm image list-publishers --location southeastasia --output table

# View RedHat offers (SKU's) - RHEL, rhel-byol, RHEL-SAP-HANA, 
az vm image list-offers --publisher RedHat --location southeastasia

# List SKU's - 7.3, 7.2, 7.1
az vm image list-skus --offer RHEL --publisher RedHat --location southeastasia --output table

# View all RHEL SKU's
az vm image list --location southeastasia --offer RHEL --publisher RedHat --sku 7.3 --all --output table

# List all UbuntuServer SKUs
az vm image list-skus --offer UbuntuServer --publisher Canonical --location southeastasia --output table

# Display image info on RHEL 7.3 - The image name is : 7.3.2017090723
az vm image show --location southeastasia --publisher RedHat --offer RHEL --sku 7.3 --version 7.3.2017090723

# View all Azure VM Types which can be used to VM Re-Sizing
az vm list-vm-resize-options --name ubuntu1710 --resource-group ubuntu1710-rg --output table

# View Ubuntu Urn's
az vm image list --location southeastasia --offer UbuntuServer --publisher Canonical --sku 18.04 --all --output table

# View Ubuntu Image Specs
az vm image show --location westus --publisher Canonical --offer UbuntuServer --sku 16.04-LTS --version 16.04.201801260

# View Urn and UrnAlias of all images in a region - may timeout
$ az vm image list -o table --location southeastasia --all
You are viewing an offline list of images, use --all to retrieve an up-to-date list
Offer          Publisher               Sku                 Urn                                                             UrnAlias             Version
-------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  ---------
WindowsServer  MicrosoftWindowsServer  2016-Datacenter     MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2016-Datacenter:latest     Win2016Datacenter    latest
WindowsServer  MicrosoftWindowsServer  2012-R2-Datacenter  MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2012-R2-Datacenter:latest  Win2012R2Datacenter  latest
WindowsServer  MicrosoftWindowsServer  2008-R2-SP1         MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2008-R2-SP1:latest         Win2008R2SP1         latest
WindowsServer  MicrosoftWindowsServer  2012-Datacenter     MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2012-Datacenter:latest     Win2012Datacenter    latest
UbuntuServer   Canonical               16.04-LTS           Canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04-LTS:latest                         UbuntuLTS            latest
CentOS         OpenLogic               7.3                 OpenLogic:CentOS:7.3:latest                                     CentOS               latest
openSUSE-Leap  SUSE                    42.2                SUSE:openSUSE-Leap:42.2:latest                                  openSUSE-Leap        latest
RHEL           RedHat                  7.3                 RedHat:RHEL:7.3:latest                                          RHEL                 latest
SLES           SUSE                    12-SP2              SUSE:SLES:12-SP2:latest                                         SLES                 latest
Debian         credativ                8                   credativ:Debian:8:latest                                        Debian               latest
CoreOS         CoreOS                  Stable              CoreOS:CoreOS:Stable:latest                                     CoreOS               latest
## Build out VM
az group create --name ubuntu-rg --location southeastasia
az vm create \
    --resource-group ubuntu-rg \
    --name ubuntuVM1 \
    --location southeastasia \
    --image UbuntuLTS \
    --ssh-key-value ~/.ssh/ \
    --admin-username azureuser

az vm create --resource-group rg1 --location westeurope --name fedora26 --os-type linux \
 --admin-username username --ssh-key-value ~/.ssh/ --attach-os-disk fedora26managed \
 --size Standard_DS1 --data-disk-sizes-gb 5

# Create a managed disk, using Azure CLI 2.0 in this example:
az disk create --resource-group rg1 --name fedora26managed --source

# Verify its really there:
az disk list -g resourcegroup1 --output=table

# Or run az from a container (did'nt work when last tested due to Python dependency's)
docker run -v ${HOME}:/root -it azuresdk/azure-cli-python:latest

# Display subscription ID and Tenant ID
$ az account show --query "{subscriptionId:id, tenantId:tenantId}"

$ az group list | grep '"name":'
    "name": "my-rg",

$ az vm list --show-details -d --output jsonc | egrep '(powerState|offer|sku|vmName|resourceGroupName|Ips)'
    "powerState": "VM running",
    "privateIps": "",
    "publicIps": "",
          "resourceGroupName": "MYRG",
          "vmName": "k8s-master-6F3AE52A-0",
        "offer": "UbuntuServer",
        "sku": "16.04.0-LTS",

$ az vm list --show-details -d --output table
Name                   ResourceGroup    PowerState      Fqdns                                        Location       PublicIps
---------------------  ---------------  --------------  -------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------
WINSERVER2016          2016SERVER-RG    VM deallocated  southeastasia
k8s-agent-6F3AE52A-0   DAZK8SRG         VM running                                                   southeastasia
k8s-agent-6F3AE52A-1   DAZK8SRG         VM running                                                   southeastasia
k8s-agent-6F3AE52A-2   DAZK8SRG         VM running                                                   southeastasia
k8s-master-6F3AE52A-0  DAZK8SRG         VM running                                                   southeastasia
RHEL73                 RHEL73_RG        VM running                                                   southeastasia

$ az vm list --query "[?provisioningState=='Succeeded'].{ name: name, os: storageProfile.osDisk.osType }"

$ az vm restart --resource-group myrg --name "k8s-agent-6F3AE52A-2"
  "endTime": "2017-07-06T06:00:24.997282+00:00",
  "error": null,
  "name": "37ebeef3-d174-4c81-b566-8d902f2d1af8",
  "startTime": "2017-07-06T06:00:24.872255+00:00",
  "status": "Succeeded"

# Your metadata is stored outside of the VM and includes the external IP address, amongst other data.
curl -H Metadata:true

# View your Azure VM Type
curl -H Metadata:true 2>/dev/null | jq -c '.[] | {vmSize}'

# To update the failed network interface:
az network nic update -g RG-NAME -n NIC-NAME

# Display Azure VM Types (SKU's) within a region
az vm list-skus --location southeastasia --query '[].name' -o table

# List the name of the resource group in table output format:
az group list --query '[].name' -o table

# Deploying a soution from Azure Marketplace using Azure CLI

# Show Account Subscription
az account list --query '[?isDefault].id' -o tsv

# Query all Service Principal's by Account Subscription
az ad sp list --query "[?contains(id, '123456-fafb-4353-828b-ab5083d12345')]"

# Query by SP name
az ad sp list --query "[?contains(displayName, 'lnx')]"

# Remove the Service Principal
az ad sp delete --id "Fabmedical-sp"

# Creating an Azure Container Registry - ACR
az acr create --name fabmedicaldaz --sku Standard --resource-group fabmedical-daz-rg --location eastus --admin-enabled
az acr show --name fabmedicaldaz --resource-group fabmedical-daz-rg
az acr credential show --name fabmedicaldaz --resource-group fabmedical-daz-rg -o table

# Execute commands as root from outside of the VM.
# When the sudoers file has become corrupt and you don't have a root password you can easily fix this.
az vm extension set -g ubuntu1710-rg --vm-name ubuntu1710 -n customScript --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions --version 2.0 \
--settings '{"commandToExecute": "chmod o+w /etc/sudoers"}'

Control-c after 30 seconds

$ ls -l /etc/sudoers
-r--r---w- 1 root root 755 Jun 13  2017 /etc/sudoers

$ az vm extension delete -h ubunty1710-rg --vm-name ubuntu1710

$ az resource list --resource-type "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"

# Explore JSON path interactively
$ pip install jmespath-terminal
$ az vm list --output json | jpterm

$ az vm list --query '[].{name:name, resourceGroup:resourceGroup,  image:storageProfile.imageReference.offer}' -o tsv
fabmedical-daz  FABMEDICAL-DAZ-RG       UbuntuServer

# To view if your VM's have maintenance scheduled or require a reboot
# Alternate method to do this
$ az vm list --query '[].{name:name, resourceGroup:resourceGroup}' -o tsv | xargs -t -n 2 sh -c 'az vm get-instance-view -n $0 -g $1' | grep maintenanceRedeployStatus

AKS - Howto view the expiry on the AKS SP

# List AKS clusters within your subscription
$ az resource list --resource-type "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters"

# Display all details on your AKS cluster including clientId
$ az resource show -n my-aks -g my-aks-rg --resource-type "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters"

$ az ad sp list --spn <clientId> | grep appId

# Show expiry date on your SP and search on endDate.  Ignore characters after the T.
$ az ad app show --id <appId> | grep endDate

# Reset credential for 1 more year
$ az ad sp reset-credentials --name <appId>

Service Principals

# Creating a SP
azure ad sp create --applicationId $CLIENT_ID

# Show expiry date on your SP and search on EndDate
az ad app show --id <appId>

# get the app id
appId=$(az ad app list --display-name $appName --query [].appId -o tsv)

# To see the expiration date on a SP through the portal
Azure Portal / App Registrations / DisplayName / Settings / Keys / Expires

Disk Management

Expanding an Azure data disk - Requires you to power-off the VM

# Display managed disks within a resource group, size is in GiB
az disk list -g rhel75-rg --output table
Name                                              ResourceGroup    Location       Zones    Sku            SizeGb  ProvisioningState    OsType
------------------------------------------------  ---------------  -------------  -------  -----------  --------  -------------------  --------
rhel75_disk2_7c2ffb9dd9f94fc68ac0fc976d58436f     rhel75-rg        southeastasia           Premium_LRS         5  Succeeded
rhel75_disk3_09713040473f426c952aae77c67fe95c     rhel75-rg        southeastasia           Premium_LRS         5  Succeeded
rhel75_OsDisk_1_43958238a75444199b25b7d8336bb939  rhel75-rg        southeastasia           Premium_LRS        32  Succeeded            Linux

# Deallocate disk from VM (Switches it off)
az vm deallocate --resource-group myResourceGroupDisk --name myVM
# Resize a disk - Enter the new size
az disk update --name myDataDisk --resource-group myResourceGroupDisk --size-gb 1023
# Start VM
az vm start --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myVM

# Un-mount disk, if auto-mounted when VM starts
sudo parted /dev/sdc
 (parted) resizepart
 Partition number? 1
 End?  [107GB]? 215GB
sudo e2fsck -f /dev/sdc1
sudo resize2fs /dev/sdc1
sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /datadrive
df -h /datadrive1

Test random R/W to view IOPS and Throughput performance - Creates a file on the existing file-system

df -h /datadrive3
sudo fio -filename=/datadrive3/test -iodepth=8 -ioengine=libaio -direct=1 -rw=randwrite -bs=4k \
-numjobs=1 -runtime=30 -group_reporting -name=test-randwrite -size 479G

Un-attach a Disk from a VM and delete Azure Data Disk

Backup Data before destroying disk

az disk list --resource-group ubuntu1710-rg -o table
# Stop any app using the file-system
umount /datadrive3
# Remove entry from /etc/fstab
# This will remove the owner flag from the disk which is the name of the VM where the disk is imported
az vm disk detach --name myDataDisk3 -g ubuntu1710-rg --vm-name ubuntu1710
az disk delete --name myDataDisk3 --resource-group ubuntu1710-rg --no-wait

Storage troubleshooting

Azure Locks

$ az group lock create --resource-group test -n test-CanNotDelete --lock-type CanNotDelete
  "id": "/subscriptions/<snip>/resourceGroups/test/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/locks/test-CanNotDelete",
  "level": "CanNotDelete",
  "name": "test-CanNotDelete",
  "notes": null,
  "owners": null,
  "resourceGroup": "test",
  "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/locks"

$ az group lock delete -g test -n test-CanNotDelete

$ az group delete --resource-group test --yes
The scope '/subscriptions/<snip>/resourcegroups/test' cannot perform delete operation because following scope(s) are locked: '/subscriptions/<snip>/resourceGroups/test'. Please remove the lock and try again.

$ az group lock list -g test
    "id": "/subscriptions/<snip>/resourceGroups/test/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/locks/test-CanNotDelete",
    "level": "CanNotDelete",
    "name": "test-CanNotDelete",
    "notes": null,
    "owners": null,
    "resourceGroup": "test",
    "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/locks"

$ az group lock show -g test -n test-CanNotDelete
  "id": "/subscriptions/<snip>/resourceGroups/test/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/locks/test-CanNotDelete",
  "level": "CanNotDelete",
  "name": "test-CanNotDelete",
  "notes": null,
  "owners": null,
  "resourceGroup": "test",
  "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/locks"

Report CPU usage of less than 20% in Azure Advisor

az advisor configuration update -l 20
az advisor configuration show

Using MSI with SQL Server

$az webapp identity assign --resource-group MyApp --name MyaddresssBook
	"principalId": "addeebee-1c21-4e8f-bf0f-5e4b07b363d7"
	"tenantId" "0ec02b79-d89f-48c4-9870-da4a7498d887"
	"type:" "SystemAssigned"

$ az sql server ad-admin create --resource-group MyApp --server-name zaalion --display-name msiadmin --object-id addeebee-1c21-4e8f-bf0f-5e4b07b363d7

Increasing VM's within a VM ScaleSet

az vmss scale --resource-group 'labs-rg' --name labsvmss --new-capacity 4

Use a Single Placement Group

az vmss update -n <vmss name> -g <vmss rg> --set singlePlacementGroup=true