Deploying minikube on macOS

brew install kubectl
brew install cask minikube
# replace virtualbox with xhyve
brew install docker-machine-driver-xhyve

minikube start --vm-driver=xhyve --kubernetes-version="v1.8.2"

minikube start \
  --memory 8096 \
  --extra-config=controller-manager.horizontal-pod-autoscaler-upscale-delay=1m \
  --extra-config=controller-manager.horizontal-pod-autoscaler-downscale-delay=2m \

minikube start --extra-config=apiserver.Authorization.Mode=RBAC

minikube start --extra-config="kubelet.allowed-unsafe-sysctls=kernel.msg*,net.core.somaxconn"...

kubectl get nodes
minikube stop
minikube delete

Deploying minikube on Windows

minikube start --vm-driver=hyperv --kubernetes-version="v1.8.2"
kubectl get nodes
# launch dashboard
minikube dashboard
# view dashboard url
minikube dashboard --url
# Show IP of cluster
minikube ip
kubectl run hello-minikube --port=8080
kubectl expose deployment --type=NodePort
minikube service hello-minikube --url

Deploy knative on macOS

brew install starkandwayne/kubernetes/knctl
knctl install --node-ports --exclude-monitoring

Deploy an existing public Docker image as an autoscaling stateless application to Knative, in your current Kubernetes namespace:

knctl namespace create -n helloworld
knctl deploy \
      --namespace helloworld \
      --service hello \
      --image \
      --env TARGET=Rev1
